Refund policy

Money Back Guarantee

You have 30 days from the time you receive your order tooriginate a return. To start a return we are going to ask you tofill out a form online. If you do not have access to the internet we can mail or fax you a copy of the form.

When we receive the product back we will inspect it to make sure it is in NEW condition. If it is in new condition a credit will be given less the original cost (to us) of shipping and a 30% restocking fee will be deducted from the credit. The credit will be made using the original purchase method.

If the product is not in a new condition, no refund will be given and all shipping fees incurred will be the purchaser's responsibility. We define new as being in a condition a reasonable person would accept the product and pay full price for it. If it’s not in new condition No credit will be given. 

The money back guarantee is not a substitution for the manufacturer’s warranty. If there is a problem with the product we are going to ask you to complete a warranty submission and we work with you to get your replacement products at no cost to you. If we mis-ship a product we will reship and pickup at no cost to you.

Clearance products, custom colors, may not be returned at any time for any reason. All  coating products may not be returned because of shipping procedures and regulations.

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