Become a Dealer

What to Consider Before Taking the Next Step

This business is right for you if you are ready to learn about concrete floor finishings and have some knowledge in the trades sector. Additionally, you will need to be aware of the following things.
We can provide you the training, but you will need to invest in marketing, training, and general business operations. The costs can vary depending on your location and market, however, we can help you figure it out based upon our successful experience.
You will need a crew to help you with the concrete floor finishing process. The process requires speed and also needs detail. That can mean that you will need a crew that is different than you’re used to hiring or working with. We will advise you on optimal hiring practices to get the right crew for you.
Our training and business structure is perfect if you are looking to create a new standalone business. It is not ideal if you are trying to just add on to your existing business.
We have 100 percent confidence in our products and that is why we were able to build a multi-million dollar business. In order for your business to thrive, you must have that same confidence in the products, and our training will help you with that. That means you’ve got to commit to being in the training and participating.

Once you have the training in your arsenal, you will be able to confidently go out into your community and tell anyone and everyone about your business and how it can help them. This goes for residential customers who don’t even know how valuable their garage or basement space can be. It also goes for commercial and industrial enterprises that are living with cracked concrete and don’t know there is an easy fix.

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